Scott Keith at Here We Still Stand

Scott Keith was up on Friday afternoon at Here We Still Stand.  His topic was Philip Melancthon.

Here are some quotes:

Everyone loves to talk about Martin Luther, but few enjoy talking about Philip Melancthon.

"What Drove Melancthon's Pen"

Known primarily as Luther's friend. He has written more than Martin Luther.  Author of Augsburg Confession. He graduates with his B.A. at age of 15. He receives his M.A. at age 19. Another B.A. in theology at age 21. Essentially an exegete that dabbles in systematics. Developed "How To" for preaching.

Melancthon's method-search the text, categorize the text, organize the text.

Law and Gospel
  • The Law of God applies not just to external actions, but also inward.
  • What we must do towards God and what we must do towards neighbor.
  • What does the law do? Functions: Civil, Theological, For the Christian
  • The Law is accuser. It primarily does one thing--accuses you of your sin.
  • The Gospel is Good News. It's not just any good news--it's good news FOR YOU.
  • 3 Components of Gospel: our sins are forgiven, we are pronounced righteous, we are reconciled.
  • Commandments-what you must do; Promises-what Christ has done for you.
  • The gospel has power. It is declared. Romans 1:16.
  • The gospel is freedom. Freedom from what? Sin, Death, Satan. The gospel saves.
  • We reach out with the gospel. We do not keep it ourselves. To evangelize is to bring the gospel


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