Tweets and more tweets

Here are some of my favorite tweets from the last few weeks.  This is one of the blessings of social media where we can hear the gospel from people all over the world. If you like the tweet, go and follow the person on Twitter. 
In parables, you are looking for the thing that does not belong. Parables are not principles for life. @ByronYawn via @theocast_org
From the way you talk about your faith, do people get the impression that Jesus is great, or that you are? @jaredcwilson
The only real comfort from and silencer of shame is what the King of Creation says about me. @ScottyWardSmith
Sin causes all of us to shrink our worlds down to the claustrophobic confines of our wants, our needs, our feelings.  @PaulTripp
"Because the gospel is endlessly rich, it can handle the burden of being the one 'main thing' of a church." - Tim Keller via @jaredcwilson


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