"Grace & Abuse"--Justin Holcomb #liberate2015

What victims need is not self-help or advice. They need the gospel!

Abuse-sexual and domestic-what they need is hope and healing through the gospel.

The entire life, death, resurrection, ascension, and coming again of Christ is relevant to grace.
The deepest message of Christ in Scripture is grace for sinners & sufferers.
Victims of abuse don't need:
platitudes (time heals all wounds)
Shallow theology (God will use it for good)
Suspicious questions (how much did you have drink?)

The effects of abuse:

Denial or minimizing (How is this my fault? karma)
Need is ascension-Jesus is our mediator, advocate, interceding
Distorted Self-Image
Worthless, Dirty, Unwanted
You are called what Jesus is!
Need is Life of Christ-He fulfilled law, obeyed perfectly
The Bible talks about shame as outcast, nakedness
Jesus treated as outcast so we don't have to be. We are adopted!
Need is Incarnation-He came to take on human experience fully.
Instead of God understands, He forgives you!
People think anger is a non-Christian/unbiblical response. 
God is angry at sin in the world.
Need is Jesus' return. He is coming back & will make things right.
Bitterness is like "drinking poison to kill your enemy."
It is not up to victim to make justice happen.
"Blanket of darkness"
Need Resurrection-New You, Power in Holy Spirit

All of the blessing of God is found in Christ.

Response of Gospel:
For your pain-You are Healed
For your shame-Christ's Confidence
For your unworthiness-His Acceptance
If you feel lost-You are Found
For your Sin-You are Forgiven
If you feel death-In Christ, you are Alive


  1. I was sexually assualted and suffered from complex ptsd symptoms. I read the book. "Rid of My Disgrace" , it ministered to me immensely


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