Promotion Sunday

Today is one of my favorite Sundays at Hesston MB Church.  It is the day we introduce new teachers for our Sunday School classes, present small gifts to 1st Graders as they promote out of Children's Church, and present Bibles to our 3rd graders. 

We also host a brunch for our youth and adults after all the teachers from children through adults have been introduced.  It is a great kickoff to our year together in "Making Disciples who Make Disciples."

But even more than all of these great things, it is a reminder of my calling and the faithfulness of God.  It was on Promotion Sunday in 2008 that I interviewed for the ministry position I now serve in.  Bethany and I sat in the Promotion Sunday activities and were blessed by the stories of leaders sharing how they were called to teach children and youth. We joyfully participated in worship as God confirmed to us that this was where we were to be. 

So, if you are looking for a church home, join us today.  If not, join with me in celebrating our great God who still speaks today and calls each one of us to use our gifts to His glory and praise. 


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