J. D. Greear at #2014Liberate

"Grace From Beginning to End" was afternoon session with two speakers J.D. Greear & Scotty Smith.

J.D. Greear spoke first on "Recovering the Power that Makes Christianity Revolutionary"

Author of several books and lead pastor in North Carolina.

What does gospel mean? How does it change us?

Genesis 3-conditions sin left us in: spiritually dead & naked

Human heart became an idol factory.  

God's law on our hearts makes us respond in one of two ways: when law no longer present, we go back to old way of doing things or spiritually snap (I can't do this!).  

Good works are done for self-justification.

Every religion in world teaches "I obey therefore I am accepted." Christianity teaches "I am accepted so I obey."

Three things the gospel does that religion cannot do
   1. Gospel reveals to us God is more glorious than our idols (2 Corin. 3:18)
   2. Gospel overwhelms us with grace (1 John 4:19)
   3. The gospel imparts to us actual power.  (Romans 6)

Examples in God's Word
   Titus 2:11-12-It's not the strong desires that needs to be smaller, but love of God to be larger.
   John 8-Notice the order of what Jesus says to woman.  No condemnation before change needed.
   2 Corinthians 9:8-motivation is not guilt or greed but grace
We need to begin to act as God sees us. Help people understand who they are in Christ.

Preach the finished work of Christ as means that sin is overcome.
Growth in godliness is growth in understanding of our need of grace
Lift Christ high so people will be drawn to Him.
Study until you burn with worship.


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