What It Means To Be A Man

On Thursday, I finished Rhett Smith's book, What It Means To Be A Man. This book would be a good small group resource for men or even for a few guys to go through together.  Smith uses his experience with counseling men to focus on what men really need based on God's Word not society's opinion. You can view a previous post on this book here

Enjoy these quotes from the last chapters of the book.
In the same way, our relationship with God our Father is the anchor that keeps us from temptations to look at other things for a sense of identity.
Henri Nouwen writes, "Being the Beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence."
We cannot experience pain without vulnerability--but we can't experience connection without it either.
To put it another way, our identity isn't build on our image being reflected back to us but the image of the Father flowing through us.
we see a deep connection between our identity as men and our responsibility to imitate God in working and caring.


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