Quotes from Lead ONE-Part 3

Jana Hildebrandt and Kim Bontrager 
"Removing Barriers. . . Connecting Dots"

What are barriers that keep people from coming back or keeping them from God?

Environment, Communication, Worship Services

Public Space-parking, nursery, classroom, worship space, lobby, etc.

Connect the dots: 

Evaluate each environment. . .
what is the purpose of this environment?
who will use this environment?
what do we want people to experience?
what do we want people to leave with?
who's responsible for quality control?

Our communication should not be louder but smarter.  
Who is accessing information?  

Don Morris-"Multiplication: A Matter of Factors"

Four Multiplying Factors
  • Multiplying requires everyone to have an apprentice.
  • Multiplication is proactive not reactive.
  • Multiplying is not about size; it's about leader readiness.
  • Multiplying isn't about our kingdom, it 's about God's Kingdom.

Three "must haves" for apprentices:
  • Relational intelliegence
  • Spiritual Velocity
  • Teachability
Don't ask do you want to be my apprentice? Instead, thinking about apprenticeship and offering to get together to help them grow as leaders.

Andrew Statezny-"Innovation: Going Farther Faster"

Willingness to change is the door to innovation.

Mindsets to kill innovation:
  • We have never done it that way.
  • We don't like change
  • We don't have experience.
  • We don't have the resources.
 You can't grow what you don't measure. You can't measure what you don't value.
Innovation happens in constraint. Constraints force new ways of thinking, systems, and effectiveness.


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