Guess Who?

On Sunday, June 24th, I delivered a message entitled, "Guess Who?" based on Ephesians 1:1-14.  Here are some notes from that message:

·         Greetings-In verse 1, Paul addresses them as “saints in Ephesus”.  As I read these words, I wondered if this was a special greeting for a really good church.  As I studied, I discovered that Paul begins his letters to 6 out of 7 churches this same way in Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians.  If Paul was writing to us today, he would begin our letter “to the saints at Hesston MB.”  In Christ, you are a saint!

You are:
·         Vs. 3-Blessed with every spiritual blessing
o   Spiritual blessings are contrasted with blessings of OT which were based on following the Law.  These blessings are freely ours because of what Christ has done not what we have done.  So, what Christ has is ours.

·         Vs. 4-Chosen
o   How many of you can remember or have endured the dreaded picking of teams at recess or after school?  Do your palms get sweaty or get a lump in your stomach as people on your left or right get picked?  Surely, you won’t be last again, but you are. 
o   In Christ, you are chosen not last but “before the foundation of the world”.  Notice we are chosen “in Him”.  It is based on what Christ has done not whether we are good enough to be picked.
·         Vs. 4-Holy & Blameless
o   Do you believe that you are holy & blameless?  You might say, J.L., if you know what I have done in the past or even what I have done this week, you would think twice about calling me holy & blameless. 
o   But to be Centered on Scripture, we need to believe the truth of God’s Word and it says ESV-“Before him” NIV-“in his sight”you are holy & blameless.  
o   It is our response to the God who loves & blesses us.  Read pg. 162 of Good & Beautiful God story of John of Kronstadt. “This is beneath your dignity. You were meant to house the fullness of God.”
·         Vs. 4-Loved
o   Greek word, Agape, means unconditional love. You are loved.  Period.  No matter what you have done, no matter what you will do.  God loves you. 
·         Vs. 5-Adopted sons & daughters
o    It includes a change of status which gives the benefits and responsibilities of family on the adoptee.  Adoption gives access to the Father and sharing in inheritance.
·         Vs. 6-What is the purpose of all of this? To Worship
·         Vs. 7-Redeemed
o   The image is one of deliverance from Egypt or payment of ransom to free slaves or prisoners.
o   The blood of Christ is regarded as price of redemption.
o   Redemption not only looks back to Calvary, but forward to the freedom in which the redeemed stand. We are redeemed from our former way of life. Our past & sins no longer define us.  Jesus paid the price with His blood!
·         Vs. 7-Forgiven
o   Through Christ’s death, we are forgiven.  Our past, present, and future sins are forgiven.
o   Forgiveness of self
o   How often should we forgive others? Matthew 18:21-22
o   In the Resolution for Men, the Kendrick’s write, "Forgiveness is pardoning a legitimate debt that is owed. Your forgiveness will not release them from the consequences of their sin. But it will release you from the burden, weight, and pain of having to worry about holding them accountable yourself for their sins.” "Someone has said, "To forgive is to set a prisoner free... and discover that the prisoner was you."
·         Vs. 8-Lavished with Grace
o   Definition of lavish—spending or giving with liberality or abundance
o   Charis comes from Gk. Root word, char which indicate things which produce well-being. Meanings of charis are grace, favor, beauty, thankfulness, gratitude, delight, kindness, good turn, benefit
o   Amazing Grace
·         Vs. 11, 14-Inheritance
o   Our inheritance is already ours, but will be received in the future
·         Vs. 13-Sealed by Holy Spirit
o   A wax seal in legal matters indicates ownership, security, identification & authority. We are sealed as God’s property, guaranteed He is with us always, we are identified as His, and have His authority.
o   A deposit guaranteeing that all God’s promises to the believer will be fulfilled and that there is more to come
o   Holy Spirit Empowered-we need to be reminded daily whose we are and see others true identity which only possible through the Holy Spirit
Closing: Name Tags-I am . . .


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