After Courageous

So, hopefully you went to the movies this weekend as part of Date Night Hesston or just to see a great movie.  As someone who now has seen the movie three times, I am amazed at what God does in me each time I see it.  My prayer for this movie is that once the credits play, people will not just say, "That was a good movie and continue life as is."  I am hoping the Holy Spirit will empower people to be who God has created them to be.  For some, this might mean reconciliation in damaged relationships, for others it might be a decision to follow Christ for the first time, or maybe for some it might require some changes in how we interact with God, our spouse, our children, or those with whom we are in relationship with.

Therefore, I want to share a a few opportunities with you while the movie is still clear in your minds.  First, if you were challenged to go deeper with God, we have several opportunities for you through Sunday School or small groups.  Currently, I am leading a class called "Life in CHRIST" and we are going through "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan as we seek a Biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit.  Second, if you are married, I encourage you to plan on attending "The Art of Marriage" conference that we will be hosting at our church in the month of February.  Also, we are in process of implementing a marriage mentoring ministry at our church to help newlyweds get started well and to encourage other couples toward healthy marriages.  Lastly, if you are a dad, I challenge you to seek accountability with other men.  One of the ways we can help is through our D6 Dads group.  They meet every other week for about an hour.  Several times are available for your busy schedule so you would be without excuse.  There are several other great opportunities available as well.  If not sure what is available, please contact me.

Here's to God doing some amazing things in and through us after Courageous!


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