Not A Fan-"A Passionate Pursuit"

If you read the blog yesterday, you will know that I am posting a paragraph from Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman over 3 days. Today, is the second day of this series. The quote today is about passionate pursuit. Idleman uses the phrase, "Come after me," from Luke 9:23 to compare how we romantically pursue the one we love and how we should pursue Christ.

It's not because God needs your time. He has always been and always will be. It's not because he needs your money. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. If God needed your money he could take it. It's not that God needs your worship. If you don't worship, the Bible says that the rocks and trees will cry out. The reason we talk about those things is not because God needs or wants those things; it's because he wants you. He wants your love. He longs for you to passionately pursue him, and all those things are come after indicators. They are outer signs that point to an inner reality that you love Jesus more than anything else.
It is so interesting that many times we get caught up in "doing". This paragraph explains that tension. It talks about what we do, but these things are not God's focus. He is interested in you! As followers of Jesus, we need to be pursuing God. When we do this, the "come after indicators" will follow.

Are you pursuing God? Unfortunately, my answer at times is no. But remember this is not about doing but instead comes out of loving. Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit as believers to empower us.

Stop by tomorrow for the last paragraph from Not A Fan about surrender.


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